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A note from the Editor

We are very excited about the opportunity to present the work that the Holy Spirit has given to you to share with us believers! 


Our approach to editing your document is not of a critical nature. We do not criticize. We will not change your work.


This is how we edit:


  • We primarily address the grammatical issues, making sure of flow and the clarity of your work. 

  • We listen to the voice of your work. The only absolute voice is the voice of God through his word. It is proper therefore that the voice within your work is wrapped and supported by adherence to scripture. 

Even science has no absolute voice, but should be used to support findings and validate the works of God in scripture. 


If we see that your work is not what we can present, we will humbly and lovingly return it with this explanation and possible suggestions. However, please continue to write.


Thank you. 


Surina Ann Jordan

Senior Editor, Believers Today

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