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Join the Fellowship

Welcome to Believers Today (BT)! This project is setup to provide encouragement and revival to the followers of Christ until the day of Jesus Christ. In this day and age, how do we do the "Jesus Thing"?  How do we live for God? How do we navigate the world culture and bring God glory? What is the day-to-day lifestyle and value system of a believer? What is wellness on God's terms? And how do I add value to God's Kingdom? How do I develop a meaningful, sustainable relationship with Christ? At BT, we  will include :

  • biblically-based posts and a related prayer

  • Tips for Believer Wellness

  • FYIs for current Christian issues

Believers Today is a pointer for people on the go, but need to keep in close contact with Christ.  

You can be a giving  partner with us so that money is never an issue for us as we share the good news and the truth. Pray about this and make it an offering as you are led. Thank you!

You may also send a contribution by check payable to:

BTO - Zima Health 

P.O.Box 65204

Baltimore, MD 21209

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