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Through the Fence

                                                   Freedom WithIn



The Freedom Within (FWI) is a transformative Bible study curriculum designed specifically for women in prison, offering a unique opportunity for spiritual growth, healing, and restoration.


This curriculum provides an examination of scripture with the needs and solutions to the broken hearted and emotionally damaged. The study has been crafted to meet the specific needs and challenges faced by incarcerated women, providing them with a safe and supportive environment to explore their faith, confront their past, and build a hopeful future.

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Provide a 6-week virtual course to women who are incarcerated… using on site facilitation.



Through guided study of scripture, participants will embark on a profound journey of faith exploration, discovering the love, grace, and redemption offered by God. Each session will delve into biblical stories of forgiveness, transformation, and hope, empowering women to embrace their identity as beloved daughters of God.

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