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Our Staff



Surina Ann Jordan, PhD, CWC

Surina Ann Jordan is a Christian author, wellness coach and sought a after presenter. Her passion and call is to reach those who are seeking a better life through Christ and all his benefits.

She is a Bible Study instructor, vegan chef and author of three books:


  1. The Seven Disciplines of Wellness, [Purschase]

  2. Living Well, [Purchase]

  3. Got Cancer? Congratulations! Now You Can Start Living.[Purchase]


A PK (Preacher's Kid), Jordan saw the love of God and His Commandments being lived out within her life and family environment. Living scripture and applying faith to all of life was normal. She teaches and speaks to audiences 


contact Jordan: [contact]Surina Jordan at Zima Health

Guest Writers


Chelrisa (Kelly) Swanston

Born on the Caribbean island of Antigua, Chelrisa was born into an environment of ministry because her parents served as full time missionaries. Through the study of God’s Word she came to an accurate understanding about who God is and who He has called her to be. As a follower of Christ, she is devoted to ministry and finds great joy in serving and motivating others to do the same.  Her two life principles are "Scholastic Perseverance Harvests Success" and "Treat Others the Way You Want to be Treated."

A bible scholar, Chelrisa is a bible study teacher and a writer on various topics. She is a charter member of GenX, a ministry which supports young adults who live in sandwich (parents /kids) family relationships.

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