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  • S Jordan

10 Things You Can Do as you Shelter in Place Without Eating

Updated: Jun 9, 2020

1. Improve Sleep

With draperies pulled, no music, TV, or other electronics, experience the gift of sleep. Sweet sleep according to Proverbs 3:24 is a promise from God our Father. However, as you get to know God, you will see that He does not compete for the opportunity to keep his promises. So when you to sleep, say to yourself, "I am going to shut all this down and clear the way so that God can yield his promise of sweet sleep." Do this several times during the week.

2. Journal

There are different ways to journal: as a prayer to God, a conversation with a trusted friend, or an open message to a particular person or group, nation or people. The journal is typically a bound book or tablet that overtime, could become a keepsake.

3. Get $ Frugal $

Look for ways to save money. List the little things that have fallen by the side and because there was no time for it, they went into the "I’ll get to it" pile.

Learn to sew on that button. Wow! And when you are done, you can add that item back into your wardrobe. How about that favorite pair of socks that you could not get rid of even though a hole appeared. So darn (mend) the sock. Find that mending kit you saved from that great hotel stay, thread the needle and save your sock!

Look for unchecked expenses. The subscription with the auto renewal every year even though you do not get to use or benefit from it. Justify every expense.

Organize your coins into coin dollars (a dollar's worth of coins). Create sets of dollars with your coins. Every time you spend, use one or two of your coin-dollars.

Frugal people always have. Justify every expense. Pray about your finances (including your giving). Be prepared to listen, take notes and set goals.

4. Organize

"Organization is God's key to simplify life"

This can seem overwhelming and it can be fun! Here is a great approach. John Cherry Sr. once said, "Organization is God's key to simplify life". The concept of getting organized is outlined in the Seven Disciplines of Wellness book, located in the chapter entitled, Find a Sacred Place to Live.

Give everything a home.

Everything laying around needs an assigned place. For example, your keys. Make a hook or use a bowl or basket. Once your keys are there, you will always know where to reach for them or place them. Use a hamper (or sack) for dirty clothes and put all clean clothes in a clothes basket for future ironing, hanging and folding. Even the junk mail needs a home until you can remove the personal information, shred it or throw it away.

"An organized place does not need a welcome mat"

Clean the walls in your place

Marks and imperfections on the walls of your place are a mess and appear permanent. But many can be removed. For example, try a clean pencil eraser, lightly rubbing across small areas at a time. Also, try an abrasive like, moist baking powder on the spot. Use touch up paint as your backup if you have some.

Some of us have a little junk drawer or two. Others have a junk closet, and some have a junk room! Some have junk from one end of their place to the other end. Know that with God even in chaos there is order. To live in clutter is to think in clutter.

"Let all things be done decently and in order." (I Corinthians 14:40)

5. Write

Practice your handwriting

An almost lost skill, you have the power to blow someone’s mind by giving them a handwritten note from you. Express the thoughts you have for them. Use gel pens, special paper, or whatever gives you a creative feeling as you write this gift. Even a red ink pen will spark more energy to the reader.

Handwritten note to family or friends

What is it that I've wanted to say to someone but never have? Because tomorrow is not definite, this is a good time. Keep in mind Ephesians 4:29, "Watch the way you talk. Let nothing foul or dirty come out of your mouth. Say only what helps, each word a gift". (MSG) Write a “while I can” or a “because I can” note to people you care about. If it were just you and that person, what do you want them to know, what do you feel about them but never thought to say?

6. Increase Prayer and Meditation

You’ll need prayer points in the morning, at noon and before bed. Daily, you could have three appointments on your handheld device to alert you for prayer time. It could be a minute to five minutes or more. Wait until you see what God does when you formally acknowledge him this often!

Include gratefulness, reflecting on the miracles in your life. Remembering Jesus and the cross of salvation, and the benefit of having Christ. If you can, during your prayer points, read all or portions of John chapters 19 & 20, which depict our Lord’s mistreatment, death and resurrection. Then ask in prayer “what can I do to further this message and show the love of Christ?" Be ready to take notes.

Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. --II Timothy 2:15

7. Move

Please do not try to go to the gym. And do not think of looking like the jock you saw in that picture.

Know that living things move. Even when you are sitting still there is a lot of movement happening inside of you. The beneficial way to start your movement is to realize that however you move, whenever you move, you are moving in the presence of the Lord. Your awareness of this fact can be used to build a good experience.

Stretch. Flat on the floor, with arms and legs apart reach, extend your limbs north, east, south, and west, taking deep breaths as you move.

If you have a flight of stairs, put your tennis shoes on, with perfect posture (rib cage up, shoulders back and stomach tucked in), hold on to the railing and step up placing all body weight on the thigh, and knee and climb the full flight if you are able. Descend the stairs in a similar fashion-- good posture, putting weight on your upper legs. Set goals for pace and number of repetitions.

Dance. Use your favorite song. This is a great time to dance before your God like David danced as written in II Samuel 6:14. Move in worship.

Jump Rope. Work up to 3 to 5 minutes non stop. In the backyard, or fresh air from a raised window is also beneficial.

"For in him we live, and move, and have our being;... " --Acts 17:28

8. Take An Online Course

There are many online course options. Some are free. Others are for a fee, ranging from $10 to $300 or more. Some offer guaranteed refunds if you do not get a job placement for example. Others offer certifications and all will improve your knowledge in a particular area. This is a good opportunity to explore topics that have peeked your interests. Here are a few sites that can help you explore your options:

9. Create a ToDo List

Make a list of the things you plan or need to do when the shelter in place is lifted. This is not a bucket list, however; it could include those things that should no longer be delayed. Assign a priority to each item. For example, the top 10, A-Z list, etc. Include things to purchase (must haves), things to sell or give, and places to go.

10. Plan

Use your notepad on your device or a blank book, consider and answer the following questions. Work at this once a day but do not stress about it. You can even jot down the assumptions you are making in order to craft your answer. Date your answers so that you can update them over time. This is a private assignment and can be continuous. You never have to share this.

  1. What is most important to me?

  2. What should I do to improve or enhance it?

  3. What other place would I like to live, and why?

  4. What changes do I need to make in the following areas:

  • home school/work

  • relationships - (address one at a time)

  • ministry or church fellowships

5. Explain your vision for a work that you feel is connected to God's plan for you. Explain the passion/excitement you have when you think about it. How does this help the greater good for mankind?

"Commit thy works unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall be established."-- Proverbs 16:3


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Related Scriptures:

Ephesians 4:29

I Corinthians 14:40

Psalm 119:133

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