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  • S Jordan

A Perspective on the Current Pandemic

The COVID-19 is of a respiratory nature and can be worse than pneumonia. A key entryway is a compromised immune system and other co-morbidities (sickness and diseases).

In the spirit realm (the unseen area Believers know to exist by faith), if we were to examine the state of health of the body of Christ (or the church), you can see key parallels being presented in the physical realm.

The epicenter of COVID-19 is China, a nation that is known for persecuting the church, and other immoral acts, like genetically editing babies, organ harvesting and mass control of the rights and privacy of its citizenry. They have attempted to silence the voice and take the breath away from followers of Christ. We have become weak and frail when it comes to standing for human rights.

We have seen COVID-19 move into other parts of the globe, claiming many lives, disrupting economies, causing fear, confusion, panic and divisiveness. As a country, we have begun to implode from our mixed values and allergic to God and right living.

Perhaps our father has had enough of our ungodly behaviors. He has not caused a pandemic, but he has allowed the harvest of our selfish, ungodly nature to grow. Sin and wrongdoing has its own consequences and shapes the culture into a diseased one that breeds weak immune conditions.

What is the spiritual health of our nation, our state, city, community and the globe? Diseased. Christ is the answer. He can heal and correct. Each believer has a role to fulfill for Christ. The voice of the believer cannot be silenced if it is inflamed by the Holy Spirit of God. The day of fearful, timid believers is over. We must use the breath of God to resuscitate and strengthen the world with the pure love of God.

Now is the time for believers all around the globe to humbly pray for the spiritual and physical healing of the land. God makes a deal with us in scripture as written in 2 Chronicles 7:14 which says, "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land". God is looking at the commitment of believers to praise and worship him, and to acknowledge him as the only God.

And then Jesus said this to his followers just prior to his ascension , "All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen." Matthew 28:19

Is there a voice for righteousness and truth? Is there respect for the children of God and His Kingdom? Our culture has become diseased, but not within the church! A revival has begun and this a call to action. Believers are standing-up for God as never before. We see that we are the salt. The head and not the tail. We see that we are going to have to reconnect all nations to God through prayer and evangelism. A band of prayer around the globe will heal our spiritual lungs, bring strength and clarity of our mission.

God has our attention during this COVID-19 crisis.

"It is a divine disruption" -- Dr Tony Evans


Scriptural References:

Matthew 28:19

2 Chronicles 7:14

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