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  • S Jordan

A Women's Reach

Updated: Sep 3, 2020

Little is known about the lad with the five loaves and two fish. So where do you get lunch? It was obviously something that someone who cared for him, made sure that he had for the journey. It has the appearance that there was a caring mother sending him off (or being with him), giving him his own care package. The group was following the teachings and the wondrous works of Jesus Christ.

If we were to look at the nutritional value of barley, a whole grain, and the protein, fat, vitamins, and minerals of fish, we can see that it was a quality meal for travelers. Giving energy and longterm sustenance for their journey. Perfect for feeding the multitude.

“There is a lad here, which hath five barley loaves, and two small fishes: but what are they among so many?” --John‬ ‭6:9‬ ‭KJV‬‬

Women have had key supporting roles in the miracles highlighted in scripture. For example:

Virgin Mary - the mother of Jesus (the virgin birth), wine at the wedding, in place at the Cross.

--Luke1:27, John 2:1, John 19:25-26

Anna - a prophetess, widow, and a prayer worrier in the temple. Validated the Christ-child.

--Luke 2:36

Deborah - appointed judge for the people of Isreal, prophetess, and wife.

--Judges 4:4

Dorcas (Tabitha) - a community health worker, a seamstress. Was raised from the dead by Peter.

--Acts 9:39

Queen Esther - saved her people during an ethnic cleansing attempt.

--life in the book of Esther.

Elisabeth - old age birth, mother of John the Baptist.

--Luke 1:24

Hagar -the surrogate mother for Sarah, bore a son (Ishmael) unto Abraham.

--Gen 16:15

Sarah - Loved God, and loved husband (Abraham), old age birth, son Isaac.

--Gen 21:1

Rahab- cared for the Hebrew spies.

--Hebrews 11:31

Moses' Mother - A daughter of the house of Levi kept her baby boy alive.

--Ex. 2:2 Miriam - Moses and Aaron's sister; leadership role with Moses and Aaron. --Numbers 26:59, Micah 6:4

Ruth - widowed, loved her mother-in-law, married into the lineage of Jesus (Boaz).

-- life in the book of Ruth.

Mary and Martha - sisters of Lazarus, befriended Jesus, the contrast of roles.

--John 11:1

Women are highly resourced with many skill sets. They nurture and encourage. She sees power because she has power. She knows lack because of the God-given love within her for humanity. However, women do have the power that reaches far beyond what most of us see. Women were appointed to be the spirit spoke in the wheel of life. Her charm and softness yield a feeling of love. A woman can emit a presence that can overwhelm a room. It is almost irresistible. However, in the hands of the wrong master, this gift is misused and can cause much trouble. Satan chose to approach Eve rather than Adam because he (Satan) saw her spiritual power and sought to control it. But the sisters in Christ have been causing him serious problems ever since.

Women navigate through danger and prevent ensuing risks. They are strategists with vision. They are team builders. Women can reach out and they can reach in. Believing women do not take their position lightly. She embraces motherhood as a multifaceted leadership training experience. She prays and receives direction from the Holy Spirit. In wisdom and faith, wise women learn how to use their spiritual gifts (influence and other resources) to accomplish good works.

Being a woman of the world has confused her. She has embraced and settled into an inferior role. The level of abuse, which is multidimensional, she lives less confident about who she is, her legacy, and her path. Men of the kingdom get it. They are seeing women as the God-appointed being and appreciate and protect them. Women living for God can collectively rock this world. If you look at history, behind every event (in scripture) is a very powerful woman strategically placed to bring forth the details and the expected end of the Father. Amen.


Related Scriptures

Proverbs 14:1 - Wise woman

Genesis 1:28 - God created man and woman: blessed them


Prayer for Women:

Lord God, I never realized that the subtlety of scripture that includes women was so powerful. If I would embrace your will and put my faith in you to see the power you gave to me in Genesis 1:28, I have just unlocked my future and my ability to bring you glory. Father, I thank you. In Jesus Name, Amen.


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