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  • S Jordan

Avoiding Sin Trophies

Updated: Nov 26, 2019

Managing Sin Trophies

What is a sin trophy ?

These are known sins committed by others that are made public, have become newsworthy, providing the details and thought processes that led to this sin, including the violation of morals, and laws that were broken. We also get to see or hear of the collateral damage or impact these wrongdoings had on others. The other thing about sin trophies is that it is not a sin that we have committed. It is a sin that we entertain. We give space to it and allow it to trespass against us.


"sin trophies become a form of entertainment"


What is the danger of a Sin Trophy?

Sin trophies are constant news feeds from news outlets worldwide. The word and visuals that help describe these wrongdoings etch messages into our subconscious and help us draw conclusions that foster fear, reinforces wrong behavior and thinking. The repetitive nature of some of these sins are behaviors that become acceptable. They subtly influence our values, bring about lack of trust, helplessness, hopelessness and negative reactions to our own issues of life.


What can we do about it?

Determine how much time to spend on “news” whatever the source.

Determine with in a certain item or topic how deep do I need to go to know enough to reject it or to intercede in prayer for the harm, impact and suffering as a result of this sin.

Depending on what you are dealing with you may not need the exposure at all, so you can just say “no”, or “not now”, “I don’t need to know this.” And move on.

Instead read scripture or use the audio bible on your handheld device.

Reach for a book of God’s promises to renew your mind and remember that your connection is to the kingdom (of God), not this world.


I am an information junkie. I gather information from almost anywhere. Unaware of this, The Lord let me see that my time collecting sin trophies was counter productive and not positive.


Sin trophies can bring so much inner turmoil and stress that they can ultimately

produce physical ailments, anxiety , and sleeplessness. Avoid them and live more peacefully.


Surina Ann Jordan is a wellness minister, wellness coach and presenter. She is the current Editor of Believers Today. []

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