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  • S Jordan

Believers and Technology

Updated: Sep 3, 2020

Technology has revolutionized civilization as we know it. Our forefathers would not believe what

exist today. As a matter of fact, there have been cases where people who are released from prison after 10 or 20 years have to get assistance as they transition back into society as a result of technology and the lack of relevance of things we use to do.

So how do we as believers manage technology? And what are the truths that we can pull out that will help us? How can we move forward and prepare our children for the future? How does technology impact our lifestyle, our family values, and our relationship with the Lord and others?

Here are a few points to keep in mind as we move forward. This list is not exhaustive, but it is enough for us who believe in Jesus Christ to get started, remain prayerful and have a different view or perspective on things as we seek understanding and wisdom.

Here are 8 things to consider about technology:

1. Make technology a part your daily prayer list.

From smart houses, online banking, shopping, social media, video games to drones, we need to pray about these experiences. As we pray about the impact of technology in our society and how far reaching it has become we should ask God for more eyes to see and ears to hear as we are exposed to it. Ask for his protection from the influence of technology on our culture, our lifestyles (values), on our jobs and with our children. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you clarity and understanding of whatever else you need to add to the prayer list regarding technology. Ask the Father to seal the spiritual gateways to our minds, so that evil cannot infiltrate (regardless of its origin) our lifestyle and our ability to live upright and holy before him. In Jesus Name.

Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:” ‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭2:2‬ ‭KJV‬‬

2. It is almost all about the information (data).

One of the main functions of systems programs, the upfront systems like applications, memberships and registrations, is to collect information about people (us). They use your profile or account information to make connections to others and organizations. Other companies like, grocery stores and club memberships like Sams Club, look at our buying habits and product selections. But then you have the behind the scene systems that mine your data, sell your data, share your data, making deeper connections, like Facebook who will gladly connect you to your college and high school friends and groups. Every site wants to get your email address so they can establish a relationship with you.

3. It is all about your money.

According to basic marketing strategies, every touch point or every time a person enters into their space, some type of selling or persuasive activity should take place, which gives you the opportunity to buy! They will happily store your credit card information if you agree to it. They must convince you that you need what we provide.

4. The Internet

When the Internet first started, businesses would create a page that looked like a business card or an informational brochure about their goods and services. That was it. Today we can go from from ordering a product for same day delivery (to your door), applying for a job, a loan or transferring funds to whoever for whatever, you can do it all on the Internet. You can view videos (like YouTube), watch movies, or play games. You can monitor and record your vital signs, peek at your baby at the childcare center or see your front door and look up anything you want to know-- you can just “Google it”.

Children - The Internet is so vast and varied until it can be a very dangerous exposure for you and your children, if not monitored. It is like dropping your child off on the busiest street in New York City and telling them “you are free to wander”, I'll be back! I assure you that when you return, you will find a different person. They may look the same, but they have been impacted and probably not with your value system. Children must be taught that you are here to protect them and that there are a lot of people (kids and grow ups) that seek to do them harm. For example if your child is eight years old, a question in your mind should always be , "Is the appropriate for my eight year old?" From TV commercials to the Disney messages, ask that question. Look at the glamorous subtleties of the disobedient main character whose decision and lies drove the plot in a different direction. And observe those messages in films, and songs and toys that make parents look dumb and the kid look smarter.

Helpful statements to say to your child:

a. "you are only eight years old, this is too much for you".

b. Or "this is not fair to give this for my eight year old right now".

c. "This is perfect for an eight year old"

d. "Just because you can do it, does not mean you should do it."

See that it presents looking out for our children in different ways. It is no longer just watching them walk across the street safely, now it is the predators that can touch them and establish relationships with them from across the world, from China to the Middle East. It can happen without you knowing. So again be aware of what you are allowing your child to have access to.

Scripture admonishes us: “Just because something is technically legal doesn’t mean that it’s spiritually appropriate. ” 1 Corinthians ‭6:12a‬ ‭MSG‬‬

We have access to everything —the good, the not so good, the dark, and the evil. We can go anywhere in the world and observe anything. We can learn how to do most things and buy what we can or cannot afford, what we need or do not need.

Social Media - is a way to get a "who so ever will" person to connect to other people or groups. The attraction is a feeling of wanting to belong. Once connected, you can present (post) pictures of yourself and report on all the people, places and things you have been doing. People can "like" or approve of what you posted and you can watch to see how many likes you get, and see if others want to connect and follow you as you live this virtual lifestyle. You get to express yourself and see what other folk are doing 24x7 days a week. It can be addictive and can fill that need to be with family and other meaningful people.

These connected folk appear to have just enough in common that they are willing to share and just as important, be heard. They can do virtual meetups and hangouts without going anywhere. Unfortunately, you can be bullied or create a mob that verbally attacks someone. You could also form a protest and get your "friends" or gang to go in with you. There are social media "influencers", which are those people who have thousands, (sometimes millions) of followers who drive change, start revolutions, change fashions, shape our values and culture. Some are great and others are dark. Many follow influencers like shepherds herding sheep. We must be careful to follow those who have biblical values.

Thankfully, many Christian ministries have social media and internet presence. We must continue to pray for them as they use a platform that is not a part of the kingdom of God but it is evangelism. We must pray as they represent our Lord. This space for ministry requires much prayer.

"Go your ways: behold, I send you forth as lambs among wolves". Luke 10:3

5. It Is Not a Cell Phone, It is a Handheld Device It is extremely important that you see that what is known as a cell phone is much more than being able to make a connection with cell towers to complete a phone call. It is actually a small but very powerful handheld computer device that has all of the functions and more than your home desktop or laptop computer. This brings us into the world of "mobile access" and sometimes referred to as type of wireless* connectivity. In addition to the desktop features, handheld devices have access to "Apps" (applications) which are computer programs or software applications designed to run on a mobile device such as a phone, tablet, or watch. There are millions of apps. Many for children, and many are tools and games for adults. Companies are rolling out their own apps with handheld functions similar to online services, like online banking. Some apps are features that come standard with the device when purchased, like calculators, clocks and mindless games. Others can be downloaded for free, and others can be downloaded for a fee. Note that the free apps typically are laced with lots of advertisements, and marketing messages that you would not normally be exposed to.

* wireless capability is not limited to mobile handheld devices.

6. Do Not Believe Everything

Some of us believe that anything published or presented nicely is true. Know that there are organizations that satan uses to infiltrate the culture with views, soundbites, and values that are far from biblical scripture.

Then there are the folk that alter photos, videos and voice-overs to distort the truth. Like the real estate agent that altered a photo of a home by adding a tree in the yard and erasing a crack in the driveway.

Don't believe that if it says "free" that there is no cost. It may be a data collection strategy.

7. Privacy

In short, most software and websites have standard privacy practices that protect you and them from certain digital trespassers that collect the sites data including your data. That' good. However, know that lawyers representing these companies help create agreements for you to see (but not read) and agree to regardless of what it says. These agreements have many pages and small fonts or characters, which are intimidating. If you do try to read it, it is written in 'lawyerise' (lawyer language that average folk don't understand), but it covers them in case they ever end up being sued. They can say that "we told you and you agreed to it"! Also know that many of these agreements do not protect your privacy from these software owners. For example you might be agreeing to allow them to sell or share your email, buying habits and other information to their partners or to businesses that they swap data with.

Never share your many logins and passwords with anyone. There are apps that help you keep track and protect this information on your personal device. One is called mSecure. I have used this safely for years.

8. Surveillance

Close observation has become normal for us. Many do not even notice the fact that there are cameras everywhere. An official ID can also be essential to ensure safe passage. Tolls roads, airports, elevators, you name it -- cameras and facial recognition software.


There are so many good things about technology. For example on my handheld device, I love love love the Bible app. With this app I can do word searches, I can search on phrases, and I can actually read or listen to the audio version to cover more chapters or books of the Bible.  I can cut and paste scriptures into writings and notes that I may be preparing. The only caution I would give about the Bible online (which many of us use even in church) is that, we want to make sure that we have access to the word of God at all times. If for some reason something happened to the grid,  then we want to be able to reach our physical copy of it. So we never want to be with out your physical Bible.

I love voice recognition software, which allows me to dictate memos, thoughts and inspirations. I love the auto features on cars, and the little device that rolls around your floors to vacuum up dirt and dust. The Amazon Alexa device is a concern. It is convenient but it is always listening, which overtime could create privacy issues. There are so many others.

Finally, we need to be aware, pray and consider all of these points when living, moving and having our being ( Acts 17:28) in this technologically advanced society.

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