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  • S Jordan

Believers Who Smoke

Updated: Jul 2, 2020

Christian smokers are alive and well, but not feeling very good about it. This discomfort is normal and expected. But let's make it clear. Christ never said, "I offer salvation only to those who have no vices or bad habits". God forbid. Know that we come to Christ at the point when He calls us and in His own time and way, He will remove smoking and any other habit from you. He said : "Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest" (Matt 11:28). Once we become His, Christ begins His corrective strategy for bringing us closer to Him and His will. All in love.

God desires to remove anything that separates us from Him, like smoking or anything else that is an abomination to our bodies. The daily dose of scripture and prayer helps us release things that went with the old way of living. We can gain christian friends, eliminate stress and change the environments that would encourage smoking. We all come with things about us that need work.

My pastor once said " You can come as you are, but you cannot stay the way you came". We will develop the mindset that God loves me so much and I feel so special that I dare not continue to destroy my self (spiritually, mentally and physically) any longer. Stay prayerful and expect the need, reason, desire and taste to slip away.


Here are a few tips :

  1. Pray about being a new creature in Christ, each day, giving Him your day. (II Cor 5:17)

  2. Collect your daily count of cigarettes for example, 5 or 6, a half-pack, or a pack.

  3. Reduce your cigarettes count by one each day.

  4. Look at the little things leading up to a smoke; after a meal, TV, or smoke break at work. Replace it with something like, taking a walk or joining a sport or taking a class.

  5. Reserve only one area at home for smoking (preferably outside).

  6. Get rid of all ash trays except one. Do not empty the tray often.

  7. Research the affects smoking has on your body.

  8. Declare and decree everyday, "I no longer need cigarettes".

Lastly, bag the guilt! Do not allow others to offend you. Forgive them and let it go. Few people understand. But God does. One day you will meet another believer who can share with you their journey to quit smoking. Don't try to figure this one out. Just flow with God's strategy that is for your good and His glory.


"Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away;

behold, all things are become new". (II Cor 5:17).


A Helpful Prayer

"Father, you are all-powerful and wonderful in all of your ways. I confess my sins and ask for forgiveness in Jesus’ name. I lay before you my habit of smoking which is a disgrace against the body that you have asked me to care for. I know that habits impact my mind and spirit as well. My entire trinity has the expectation of a smoke and my body has become dependent. I have attempted to stop, but I confess that I get the desire to smoke and I enjoy smoking.

I know now that smoking impacts my ability to breathe and you are the controller of my breath. So in the name of Jesus, your dear son, please remove the desire, expectation, dependency, craving, and taste. I cannot do this without your help. Help me to see and run through the open doors that you will place on my path to help me escape. This is a miracle and I receive this deliverance. I will not try to do this myself as in the past. By faith, help me to flow with your way. Amen.”


Excerpt of prayers from the:

The Seven Disciplines of Wellness, the Spiritual Connection to Good Health by Surina Ann Jordan This material is protected by copyright.

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