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  • S Jordan

Not all "Christians" are Believers

Updated: Jun 16

In the US, a recent poll indicates that 70% of Americans are Christian. For some, being Christian is a part of their legacy. "It is what my family has always been". These are casual Christians that are committed to certain rituals. It is also the network or community we enjoy. But the root word has something to do with Christ. It is important that we do not omit the "Christ The Lord", which by faith, we can live with all the benefits of having that relationship. For the Believer, Christ is our connection, our bridge to God.


Believers have come to realize that wrongdoings and faults must be wiped away before we can stand in the presence of God. A Believer is one who has decided to choose and have faith in God through Jesus Christ. It is a spiritual alignment that takes place once we agree with Christ to be in relationship with Him everyday and forever. A Believer confesses wrongdoings (sins) and invites Jesus to come into his or her heart. A Believer also takes on the pursuit of knowing and growing in God through study of the bible. With this, the Believer is free to pursue their divine purpose and an abundant way of living.


According to scripture, like (Jeremiah 29:11 and Psalm 139), God had each of us in mind prior to birth. So as Believers, we should have the expectation that each of us has an assignment (or life work), that is for the greater good, but it is also personally fulfilling. Believers have a work, we have hope and resources needed to please God. Christians must not be Xtians, celebrating X-mas and living under the casual umbrella of Christianity. We must go but go deeper.

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