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  • S Jordan

Food and Faith

Updated: Jul 14, 2020

If we feed our bodies with a carnal mindset, then the body is not properly nourished. But with faith, we can eat well. The spirit mindset from Christ is clear that whatever it does is based on the will of the Father, fully connected in the presence of Almighty God.

So it is the spiritual mindset that will expect and connect with the proper nourishment for the physical body. When we say our grace, we are at the altar before the Lord bringing him what is necessary in order to use the spiritual mindset for food. The physical body is postured to receive that food which the spirit mindset has ordained for it. Any excess food that is not from the spiritual mindset could be trespassing against the body. Our faith takes the blessing from the spiritual into the physical to accomplish what God has planned for you. That transfer supernaturally converts everything in that meal into what is needed to be medicine for the body. Because of Jesus, he fixed it so that the blessing of the Lord was given over to the first man, and is available to us by faith, now.

What if you do not have an all that meal? You know, the healthy beyond the meal. You can imagine it with color, texture, taste, and aroma? If you have done the best you can do for your meal, by faith, we should expect the same nutritional blessing.

"Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus" -- Philippians 2:5


Spiritual Readings

Genesis 1:28


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