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  • S Jordan

Naked Before God

Updated: Feb 11, 2020

Adam and Eve, the first man and women created according to scripture, were without clothing. That is until their eyes were opened to the earthly/physical realm of life. They came to know shame, fear, and many other things that were not in God's plan for them. Then Adam decided to disobey God's instruction. "DO NOT EAT FROM THE TREE OF KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL"(Gen 2:17), in other words, "don't go there"! Until then, life was good. Adam and Eve were living souls (Gen 2:7). They were without sin, and had nothing between them and their most Holy Father. They walked and talked with God and had fellowship with Him. This was possible because they could operate in the spirit realm with Him, which is what God is, Spirit (John 4:24).


But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it:

for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. (Gen 2:17)


The sinful nature began to unfold. They died spiritually and found themselves naked and (consciously) without God (Gen 3:17). When God approached them, they were hiding and not wanting to be seen. Adam explained that they were naked, which is why they hid. He confessed their area of disobedience. But God saw the bigger issue of this act; Adam had given dominion of the earth to Satan. They were disconnected from Him[God].. And their choices and decisions would continue to dismantle life for them until they died physically, loosing the breathe of life, leaving their souls damaged and this time standing before His judgement seat. He lovingly made clothes and covered them. But He also decided to expelled them from the garden to get them away from the Tree of Life, which could have allowed them to live sinful lives forever (Gen 3:24)


For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever

believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. (John 3:16)


What Christ did for us was give us spiritual life again (John 3:16)! He made it so that we can become naked before God again. We can be in the presence of God with Jesus there to address our human frailties and sins. We are renewed in mind, we have a clean heart and we know love that is beyond anything we have ever known.

Jesus made it so we can live now. We can live spiritually naked before God without shame, and fear of death (Gen 2:25). We can bare it all out in his presence. Jesus did this through His death on the cross, resurrection and His ascension to be with the Father.

Note: scripture references are King James

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