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  • S Jordan

Perfecting Prayer Partnerships

Updated: Sep 3, 2020

For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

-- Matthew 18:20

The perfect prayer partner is one who is willing to agree with you in prayer about issues that concern the both of you, the body of Christ at-large, and global issues. It is the time to agree and allow the Holy Spirit to plant prayer concerns in your hearts. In the midst of your prayer time, personal testimonies pop up and the dots connect experiences that never made sense or had value until now.

When a few people commit to agree in prayer they are proclaiming their faith and trust in God, who keeps His promises. Having a prayer partner also helps us remain accountable. It provides a mirror for us to see ourselves. A prayer partner helps us pray for the good of others. We can gain a more global perspective on the needs of others and the movement of God. Prayer partnering is an act of giving, which furthers the mission of Christ.


Ask the Father for a prayer partner. You will need His assistance to make sure that you make the right selection. Your prayer partner should be of the same gender and have an upstanding reputation of Christ-like behavior and be mature in every dimension of the fullness of Christ, which will be exactly what you need. You should be able to have some interest in common. This is a thread that the Holy Spirit will highlight for you. One or two partners is good.

Next, as an act of giving, ask God for another prayer partner, who is spiritually needy, struggling in her walk with Jesus, and is typically younger in The Lord. We’ve all been there.

You can have as many as three prayer partners, including yourself. However remember that "two" is needed and based on the circumstances, (time, commitment), you must go! Number three can quietly join in. If you happen to be Number Three (last), consider total silence until the wrap up. DO NOT Interrupt or delay prayer.


How much time is needed for a session with your prayer partner? A teacher on prayer disciplines once said, "Prayer does not have to be everlasting to be eternal". You can make a world of difference in 15 minutes. This timeframe is a goal for you as a start. As you do this, your session will become very powerful.

Pick a time that works for all. Many find that the morning is perfect for setting the day. Some do evenings, others at lunchtime. Pull away from all things that distract you. As you prove faithful, all of heaven becomes available to help you reserve this time.

Prayer partners should meet for prayer at least once each week. However, circumstances from to time to may warrant more meetings. Because of technology, your prayer partner can be located almost anywhere, which helps you maintain that bond. Share your needs and concerns, then pray, with each person taking a turn. Some people are able to meet every morning at six a.m. This is great; however, it has to be realistic and something you can do on a consistent basis. Once a week is a good start.

Next, select a backup day and time for cancellations due to emergencies and unplanned circumstances. For example, Wednesday at three p.m. is the planned prayer day however, Friday at three p.m. is the alternate day.

Why just 15 minutes?

It is difficult to make new time commitments. Prayer sessions that run over, while great, are hard to do consistently due to lack of time to fit it in. Many prayer partners start out great, but for some reason (time), they are unable to keep up.

You must also remember that the enemy of God, Satan will attempt to prevent prayer from taking place. One of your petitions in session might be to ask for help in making this commitment.


Most prayers can be successfully held by phone, or video calls like face time, Skype, or you can go to that favorite booth at the coffee shop. Here is a proven approach to a quick, effective prayer session:

Format for 15 minute session


  • Greet, settle down, build prayer agenda by listing prayer concerns and share testimonies of answered prayers since the prior week. - 5 minutes

  • Active prayer - 6 minutes

  • Share items to keep in prayer (ex. Appointments, meetings, relatives, events) - 2 minutes

  • Confirm next session - 2 minutes

  • Close - .0 minutes



I will never forget the day my prayer partner and I were making our prayer list for the session. I began talking and sharing what was on my heart. We were chatting and I caught myself and said, “we need to go ahead and pray because we're running out of time". She chuckled and said, “I thought we were praying already”. We both realized that we had been in the presence of the Lord during the whole conversation.

My point is that when you and your prayer partner(s) come together to pray, and you do this overtime, with the Holy Spirit, everybody knows why you gather. Everything that goes on with that interaction is in the presence of the Lord and already seasoned for an encounter with God. You are right at the throne, at the point where your petitions are already being raised by faith to Him.

In 2020, we owe it to our selves, family, friends, and enemies to seek The Lord for His priorities and will for our lives. It is a blessing to be able to touch and agree about your needs and concerns on a regular basis. The gift of a prayer partnership can become a divine opportunity that is life changing.


Next Level

As time goes on, maybe a year after you have successfully kept your prayer partnership going, consider having multiple partnerships. This type of arrangement should include giving and receiving. Consider a partnership in each of three categories; 1-more spiritually mature, 2-same level of maturity, and 3-less mature. This fulfills the mentor/peer/mentee fellowship.

1-More spiritually mature - a person who is seasoned in God's word and prayer, keeps commitments and is lives a disciplined life.
2-Same level of maturity - one who like you, is growing and understand the importance of prayer. Committed.
3-Less mature - One who is just moving into prayer partnering. Fights to commit and lacks disciple in several areas.


Scripture references:

Matthew 18:20

James 5:16

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