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  • S Jordan

Slow to Speak

Updated: Nov 26, 2019

When ever I am with a person or in a group, I have started to pray James 1:19, the scripture which reads, let every man be "swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath [anger]" ( James 1:19)

This word helps me handle my strong desire "to be heard". In being heard, I will use every skill that I have, be it learned or acquired, to speak, share or make an impactful contribution.

Knowing this about myself, I am glad for the sea of forgetfulness because the list of things I should not have said and their consequences, would be very long.

When I am slow to speak, I can quickly hear the voice of The Lord, so that I can speak accordingly. I am not perfect in this, but I am seeking obedience and have a deep desire to please Him. I realize that my ways and thoughts are not His ways or thoughts. I am also starting to see that my daily interactions with others have been orchestrated or allowed by God. With that, I'm thinking that He has a reason and an outcome in mind. If I would just slow down a bit, I can see what this child of God should be doing at that moment.

Why We Don't Slow Down

One challenge with slowing down is that all of those great communication skills I mentioned have very authoritative tones and painful tongues that have reasonable, sometimes powerful information that can be said, heard, received, and quoted many time afterwards. I now have to ask, "Is that really what God had in mind" ?

Our words can be so powerful that they can change the trajectory of a program or strategy that God has put before you to impact a person, family, church, community, workplace and beyond.

Watch the way you talk. Let nothing foul or dirty come out of your mouth. Say only what helps, each word a gift. Ephesians 4:29 msg

Another Prayer for the spoken word

Dear Father, this day is yours. Your gave it to me, so I am giving back to you for your glory and honor. Thank you for the plan you have for us, according to Jeremiah 29:11. I remember also that you outlined (Psalm 139) who I was to become on the drawing board before you placed me safely in the womb. So help me to act like I know who you are and understand all the investments you've made in my life to get me here. Help me be quick to hear, slow to speak, [and] slow to wrath according to James 1:19, Thank you. In Jesus Name, Amen .

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