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  • S Jordan

Speak Life on Halloween

Updated: Nov 17, 2022

Halloween is not fun. It is spiritual warfare. The power of the prince of the Air has used it as a platform to spread these death messages throughout. Christians who are not Believers endorse Halloween and its practices without question. It is an elongated, easy time of year to pour more death into the culture in a glorified, presentable fashion.

It is estimated to be a 10.6-billion-dollar industry in 2022. It has become a season! Now that it has money wrapped around it, Halloween has established deep roots in our world economy. We need supernatural help with uprooting this one.

White sugar, the death food, is front and center. This nonfood is a legitimate intoxicant that strips the body of life-sustaining nutrients at an alarming rate. The framework for chronic disease and death is being laid out at a young age. Sugar is a long-term, effective strategy to have people choose death with every bite or sip!

Let’s take our children's exposure to Halloween to The Truth to free them.

It should be No thing that glorifies death. Jesus paid too much for us to ever make a life within death. Have we as the church opened the door for all the "death speak", images and print, so prevalent that it makes Halloween almost uneventful? If we are not careful, our children can be exposed to friendly ghosts, goblins, zombies, and nice witches, wizards, and monsters, around the clock.

Is this breeding an insensitivity to the value of life? Pain and suffering, pranks and cheats are taking prime space in the thoughts and lives of our children right in our faces. Is this reinforcing negativity and hopelessness?

So, choose life and not death.

“I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before your life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore, choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:”

Deuteronomy 30:19 KJV

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