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  • S Jordan

The Culture of Fear

Updated: Sep 3, 2020

Life outside of the Kingdom of God is filled with fear at all levels. There is fear all over including within the body of Christ. But we must remember that according to 2 Tim 1:7 that, " ... God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind". The question becomes if God has not given us fear, where is all this fear coming from? Fear has become a multifaceted issue, with tentacles in many areas. It is a very successful strategy of Satan (God's enemy) to dismantle our witness and have us lose ground until the day we die.

So what is Satan's strategy?

First, to make sure that as a Believer you live life being afraid of your Father God and always feel like you ticked him off! Our imperfections make us constantly fear the wrath of God.

Second, Satan, has implemented fear strategies within our culture that have deep roots in history and feed generations of people all over the world. However, because these fruits of fear are so embedded in our society, we must be vigilant and watchful, praying and remembering the scriptures that strengthen us and keep us calm. For we are God's children living in his Kingdom. So be assured, “Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom.” ‭‭(Luke ‭12:32)‬


The Culture's Fruit of Fear

Fear of the unknown (what if...), Sin trophies, Racism, Terrorism, Fear of rejection, Fear of the Family, Not fitting in, Fear of Dying, Loosing Job, Loosing Spouse, Fear of Flying, Children’s safety, Not eating right, Not knowing how to eat, No income, Getting Older, Fear of post trauma, fear of criminals, fear of silence, fear of lack of control, Fear of going to church ....


With fear, it is easy to loose sight of who we are and to imagine these horrible things in our lives. These thoughts take up lots of space in our mind. It is a spirit that can take on a voice within us. If we obey that voice, we can become weak and at risk of self destruction, criminal activity, and substance abuse. Fear can form an emotional root system and appear as a mental illness. Like a constant drizzle on a cloudy day in the culture, fear just keeps covering us with fearful thoughts, things and circumstances. We can loose a sense of who we are in Christ.

The question is of all the fears listed above, which one of them do you feel will go down (happen) without The Lord’s hand it? Add more fears to this list and ask this question again. As we walk in obedience to God, and use his word to remind us of the power we have in Christ Jesus, we must constantly remember that "no weapon that is formed against us can prosper" (Isaiah‬ ‭54:17)‬ ‬‬

As Believers, it is clear that God does not play with fear. He knows our frailties. He loves us so much that he lets us know, many times, that as his children, we do not have to ever be afraid. Remember what God said to Abraham's son Isaac, [I am the God of Abraham thy father: fear not, for I am with thee] (Genesis 26:24)‬. ‭‬‬And to The Virgin Mary: “And the angel said unto her, Fear not, Mary: for thou hast found favor with God.” ‭‭Luke ‭1:30‬ ‬‬To Joshua, Fear them not: for I have delivered them into thine hand;” Joshua‬ ‭10:8‬ ‭‬‬And to the shepherds at night, “And the angel said unto them, fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.” Luke‬ ‭2:10‬ ‭

Having a personal relationship with Christ has freed us from the culture of fear.

"There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love." (I John 4:18). So God our father does not want us to be afraid.

A Healthy Fear

There is at least one instance in scripture that God encountered a human, allowing fear to grip him. This is the one time God did not say " fear not". God never gave him warning but allowed fear (the bad) for the good. It is the story of Saul who became Paul. He was traveling on the Damascus road in route to execute the plan to persecute and kill more Christians, dragging his sin trophies with him. God revealed just enough of himself to Paul without causing him harm. God did blind him for a few days, however, I think to slow him down so his mind, body and spirit could recover. Fear of God's power and his presence lets us see that God's holiness and strength, had literally scared Paul straight! At that point, Paul was all in!


"Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man." Ecclesiastes 12:13


Fearing God simply means to have reverence for the one who is. Remembering his holiness, great power, and love for us. It is a healthy fear, that when cultivated, leads us to a more peaceful state, with less unhealthy fear. The more we reverence God in our worship, work, and day to day lives, we become followers of Christ, willing to turn away from sin and things the that would cause shame to his name.

Knowing what God could do because of our sins and imperfections, but what he chooses to do, which is love us and show us himself through Christ, brings us to the desire to reverence and honor God, putting nothing or anyone in his place.

We appreciate the gentle way our Father handles us. We fear him. But in a healthy way.

God didn’t go to all the trouble of sending his Son merely to point an accusing finger, telling the world how bad it was. He came to help, to put the world right again. Anyone who trusts in him is acquitted; John 3:17 msg


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