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  • S Jordan

Believers Prayer Against COVID-19

Updated: Mar 23, 2020

Computer programmers have a set of commands that they use in order to add conditions and rules for correct processing if the conditions are met. It is called an IF-THEN-ELSE clause. For example, a program in a banking system may include: Customer X who presents a bill for $25. IF his account balance is $25 dollars, THEN pay it. ELSE (if the balance is less than $25) Reject it for non-sufficient funds.

While praying against the conditions related to the coronavirus, I was surprised to discover an IF-THEN-ELSE clause in scripture!

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” ‭‭ 2 Chronicles‬ ‭7:14‬ ‭KJV‬‬


-Humble Ourselves


-Seek God’s face

-Turn from our wicked ways


-Hear from heaven

-Forgive our sins

-Heal our land

ELSE (if we don't do the above):

-Continue to Sin

-Experience Global Suffering

-Experience Spiritual Death and then -Experience Physical Death

Believers know better. We are the "my people" being referred to in this scripture. ‬‬Believers have known that there are many scriptures that clearly state how our life should be in the kingdom. This IF-THEN-ELSE clause is for God's people to pray for all of mankind.

The ELSE, in this scripture is why Believers must "go", according to Mark 16:15, which states;

"Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature". We know that the further mankind gets away from God, the more they will continue to grow fear, confusion, and come to know more sin, pain and death. The answer is Christ and his plan of salvation before he returns. As believers, we have full responsibility for carrying out God's plan.


Father, all of your children touch and agree on your goodness. We humbly pray. We pray for your mercy towards us. We humbly seek you. We seek your will, we seek your way, we seek your purpose, now and every day. We humbly repent. We repent, we are sorry and we confess our sins. We turn. We turn from our sins. We humbly ask for your forgiveness. We thank you for your divine protection, according to Psalm 91 from the Coronavirus. We ask that you heal us and our land. We also want your good to come out of this pandemic. We pray for global peace. We bind hate, fear and confusion, In Jesus Name we pray , Amen.

Pray this prayer with as many and as often as you can.


Mark 16:15

Matthew 28:19

Matthew 22:9

‭‭2 Chronicles‬ ‭7:14‬


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