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  • S Jordan

The Privileged Status

Updated: Jul 26, 2021

According to scripture, believers are elite, special, and a set-aside people. Rich, poor, or somewhere in between, we all have direct access to God the Holy Spirit. We all have benefits according to scripture. God has presented Himself in so many ways that we have taken it for granted. In the world's view, the world just is.

Apostle Paul describes how privileged we are:

"I don’t want to hear any of you bragging about yourself or anyone else. Everything is already yours as a gift—Paul, Apollos, Peter, the world, life, death, the present, the future—all of it is yours, and you are privileged to be in union with Christ, who is in union with God." - I Cor 3:21-23, MSG

Sometimes our culture and it's perceived limitation can slow us down and discourage our advancement towards what we know to be our path. A successful strategy of the enemy of God (Satan) has been to influence our culture to build a class system that reinforces that some must-have and others must not have. For example, ethnicity, religion, socio-economics, geographic location, wealth, upper class, middle class, lower or working-class. Many of us have accepted this way of living and have taken our place as assigned by the world's system. Being privileged in the world's system is possessed at the expense and damage to others.

As believers in Christ, we live in the spirit realm and are first citizens within the Kingdom of God. The enormity of benefits available in the Kingdom makes us privileged. The privileged status of a believer is not at the expense of people outside of the kingdom or anyone else. In fact, the role of the kingdom’s privileged (KPs) is to offer God and His kingdom to all who will receive it through Christ Jesus our Lord, Savior, and high priest.

The attributes or characteristics of KPs include love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. These are the fruit of the spirit of God, which are made manifest in us for God’s glory. (Galatians 5:22-23). These benefits provide the spiritual resources that assist us as we live life out in the earth realm with Christ.

Each day, by faith, we are provided with everything we need. We operate based on the kingdom's economy and way of living. We do not live in fear. We execute the word of God in all situations. We do not expect to see or do or respond to anything without the guidance and protection of Almighty God. For with God, No weapon that is formed against us shall prosper. (Isaiah 54:17) . We can watch this world's privileged people go forth and prosper at the expense of others. However, we have a higher calling that points us to God's kingdom, which is full of agendas, purposes, and lots of activities. Our value is set and the significance to life is much more meaningful. Loved beyond measure and no competition, all mistakes are forgiven and forgotten. (Matthew 6:11, Psalm 23: 1, )

Our privileged status allows us to be productive and multiply our good works. Because we are in the kingdom, by faith, we are protected and sheltered from all hurt, harm, and danger. We can get more accomplished in ways that seem so "simple," sharp, and clean. Oh, and what about power? Ah, yes, we have more power! We have the same power that raised Jesus from the dead and parted the Red Sea. And this power has no guilt or sin attached to it. (John 10, Proverbs 20:27).

KPs have God’s favor and straight paths for which to complete their assignment (work/purpose). We all have an assignment (Psalms 139: 16-18). We have leadership and examples of common men and women, who believed God's word, and have testimonies of the hand of God in their lives. The more a KP grows in the kingdom, walking in the word, and exercising his or her faith, the more privileged we become. Grace, strength, and joy (even in hard times), is our privilege.

If you want to become a KP, say this prayer: Father God, in Jesus name, I confess my sins and I understand that Jesus loved, died and rose again for me and my sins. Please save me and come into my heart. I accept the privilege and all the benefit of being your child In Jesus name. Holy Spirit, I welcome you to live in me. Help me to become all that I am to be, In Jesus Name, Amen.

You did it! Being in Christ may not be an immediate bombs bursting in air feeling. It is what we know to be, based on the faith given to us to receive salvation (Ephesians 2:8). Get into the bible and learn how to use your faith and love to do whatever God wants you to do for the greater good. Use your new Privileged Status to get it done! Praise God!


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John 3:16

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