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Writers Wanted

Writers Wanted

The mission of Believers Today  is to spread the good news of Jesus Christ by holistically building the  lifestyle designed by God.   If you are fired up for God and you are convinced that you have the gift of writing and communicating the good news about Jesus and His desire to revolutionize the body of Christ, please join the fellowship as an author!    

  • You must agree with the Believers Today statement of faith:​​

  • Read the note from our Sr Editor [read]


  • Writers must submit a bio of at least 300 words

  • There will be no honorariums or fees at this time; however the exposure to the Christian community will be of benefit.

  • Submissions must be original work. We will retain your information but you will retain your copyrights, giving us permission to use it.

  • Each article must be brief, factual, biblical, and inspiring. Use modern day language so as to appeal to the mature active believer and the young adult Christian population.  No derogatory language, racist or profane language is permitted.

  • Readership traffic is expected from all social media outlets.  We will also pick up mid-range to baby boomer folk with readership from Facebook and from mailing lists.

  • Article should be 1000 to 3000 words.  If you have content that is over 3000 words, we could divide it into “parts”. Or we could make it a downloadable feature. You must agree to this.

  • Our final draft of your work will be submitted to you prior to publishing, for your approval.

  • We reserve the right to make small edits. Larger  content issues will be returned to the author with editors

comments and suggestions.

  • Article could be published on multiple platforms related to Believers Today.


  • Heading requirements for document submission:

Writer’s Name:

Article Title:

Writer’s email:

Word Count:

Article Description: 200 Words

Author bio Summary: 100 words

Note: By submitting this article, I have read the “what we believe” section provided in the link on the Believers Today website and I agree with all that is stated. And I agree to all conditions and requirements as stated in the Writer’s rules document.

My website(if applicable):

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